Summer bulbs are ideal for patio containers and add colour to mixed borders without taking up much space. Follow our advice to make the most of these versatile plants. Buy dry bulbs when they're ...
It may seem too early when we’re still enjoying the last of the summer flowers, but this is the perfect time to get those bulbs planted and established before the frost sets in. We’ve gathered ...
If you’re uncertain about which end is up (some bulbs, called corms, are more rounded), place them on their sides in the holes. Nature will know what to do, and your flowers will pop up next spring!
Daffodils, tulips, crocus, grape hyacinths and fritillarias are just some of the plants to choose from. Most bulbs have a long dormant period, requiring little attention for much of the year.
While planting bulbs is a simple way to grow a colorful garden, take care to avoid these mistakes that pros say are easy to make. Planting bulbs is an easy and fun way to liven up your garden with ...
Picture this: After months of anticipation, you've finally settled into planting season, eager to fill your garden with all ...
There is an array of colorful, beautiful and aromatic spring bulbs to plant in the fall to bring you a fulfilling blooming season for the year to come. Spring flowers are the perfect way to ...
The more spring bulbs we plant over the coming months the more spring flowers we will enjoy. The planting technique I use gives a continuous flow of spring flowers. The bulb lasagne planting ...
For gardeners, hope springs eternal. I wish that more flower bulbs did the same. In lucky gardens, bulbs breed and multiply. In mine, most of them hang on for a few years, dwindle, make slow ...
The more spring bulbs we plant over the coming autumn months the more spring flowers we will enjoy. The planting technique I use will give a continuous flow of spring flowers. The bulb lasagne ...
Even in summer you can pop some bulbs in with the aim of filling your garden with some late colour as the days get shorter. Planting nerines by late summer will see them flower in the autumn with ...
npj Science of Plants is an online Open Access journal dedicated to publishing high quality research in both fundamental and translational aspects of plant-related biological science.