Collard greens are a staple in the South, but these hardy, leafy plants are easy and fun to grow in any edible garden.
It's the time to plant spring bulbs in pots, beds and borders to give our gardens an amazing flower display next springtime.
Mason jars aren't just good for storing pantry staples. You can also put them to use in your yard or garden, both ...
Clark says that the bulbs will do best in well-draining, rich, sandy loam soil, which will provide the right balance of ...
Gardening and sustainability go hand in hand. Here are the reasons why you should stay sustainable, and how to pull it off.
Bulbs like daffodils, tulips and crocus adore the Pacific Northwest’s climate — the Skagit Valley alone grows roughly 1000 ...
This weekend's yard jobs include harvesting the year-end veggies, saving seeds from the gardens and landscape, and planning to grow herbs inside over winter.
Most species we consider houseplants are tropical plants that grow in the wild in their native habitat. Although they can ...
Harvesting and drying your backyard pot plants doesn't need to be complicated. Here are four easy pointers to help you ...
Autumn is the perfect time to fill your hanging baskets, window boxes, flowerbeds and containers with winter bedding plants.
Supplies and plants were provided so members and Friendship Volunteers of Mercy Care could create their own xeriscape ...
When the temperature dips and light levels are low, these winter bedding plants will transform your garden into something ...