Future Ours,” on view now during the UN Summit of the Future, highlights the trust placed in artists to use their practices as tools for vision, reflection and action ...
At one level,” he writes, “my book is a history of the study of Greek history from...the 18th century to the present day.” ...
In a healthy society of non-human primates, there are no nations, no extended organizations, no supraterritorial forms that ...
Although the general idea is that the Ottomans and Barbary corsairs limited their naval raids to the Mediterranean, this is a ...
2024年7月20日,湖北宜昌,三峡水利枢纽工程。随着长江流域主雨区由长江中下游转移至长江上游,三峡区间来水量明显增加。在确保中下游防洪安全的情况下,三峡水库持续泄洪(新华社/图)如果我们改变一种观察世界的方式,将世界运作的轴心从人类活动上移开,聚焦 ...
En un viaje a Bilbao, al atravesar la ría, hoy ejemplarmente limpia, una buena amiga parisina que era quien conducía el coche ...