2021年12月20日,湖南益阳当地民警接到一则特殊的报警电话,报案人为来益阳出差的王女士,而其报案内容则是因为他所住的酒店隔壁房间噪声太大,吵到了自己补觉,还时不时传出男女的低吼声,王女士无法忍受,找服务员也没有能够得到妥善处理,于是她在退房之后觉 ...
Uma equipe chinesa de cientistas publicou, na terça-feira, o primeiro artigo científico sobre as amostras lunares trazidas de ...
The team found that the Chang'e-6 soil samples have a lower density than previous samples, indicating a more porous and loosely structured composition. The plagioclase content of the Chang'e-6 samples ...
En el primer artículo de investigación sobre las muestras lunares traídas por la misión Chang'e-6, publicado hoy martes, un equipo de científicos chinos afirmó que estas presentan "características ...
X-ray fluorescence radiation generated by lunar elements excited by X-rays from the Sun can reveal the distribution of ...
Uma equipe chinesa de cientistas publicou, na terça-feira, o primeiro artigo científico sobre as amostras lunares trazidas de volta pela missão Chang'e-6, dizendo que elas apresentam "características ...
不看电视、不玩手机/电子游戏,如何让孩子愿意和父母一起玩呢? 可以试试怡禾心理首款心理类桌游——「情绪气象台」 ...
8月,韩国游戏公司Krafton宣布收购了Tango Gameworks和《完美音浪》的iP版权,并表示将继续由Tango Gameworks开发团队负责《完美音浪》IP及探索未来项目。 近日,Krafton首席执行官Kim ...
其中①生活垃圾焚烧发电厂为新建,总建设规模为1200t/d,主要内容包括场地平整工程、施工便道、边坡支护工程、垃圾接收 ...
Shanghai Disney Resort has teamed up with the Shanghai Huju Opera Theater to present a special edition of its hit show ...