King Philippe ascended the Belgian throne in 2013 and holds the title “Rex Catholicissimus,” or “(Most) Catholic Majesty.” ...
“Surely, the divine way of seeing things will never be one of division, separation or the interruption of dialogue,” the pope told the heads of 32 churches in the Anglican Communion gathered ...
the Mass or Vespers is called Pontifical Mass or Pontifical Vespers. Q. 954. What is Vespers? A. Vespers is a portion of the divine office or daily prayer of the Church. It is sung in Churches ...
To say that this appointment by the Holy Father was a complete surprise is an understatement,” Bishop Dennis Walsh said ...
Pope Francis has decided the next world Synod of Bishops at the Vatican, which will take place in October 2022, will have the theme: "For a synodal church: Communion, participation and mission." ...
The congregation at the Don Bosco church solemnly took the holy host after it was blessed during a Sunday service by Nancy Speeckaert — a woman.
Our Government is facilitating mass slaughter. The two political parties running for President are complicit. The Catholic ...
In “Be Ready When the Luck Happens,” the TV cooking icon asks, “How easy is that?” The answer? Not very. By Marisa Meltzer For years, Roth couldn’t get beyond the premise for his novel ...
His final sentiments were etched into the table before he succumbed to his final rest: "I found solace in the mountains. They demanded nothing and remained steadfast by my side." His final ...
Are you dealing with a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Gemini? On Saturday, you might cross paths with a charmer and wonder what their real intentions are. Keep an eye out for users and schemers who ...
will launch a new, podcast-only subscription plan in October that will require listeners to pay for access to the back catalogs of its most popular shows. Putting flagship programs like The Daily ...