Noam Chomsky has suffered a stroke and is recovering in hospital, his wife has confirmed. The 95-year-old famed linguist has not been seen in public since June last year, with many commenting on ...
按:2024年8月31日,哥伦比亚大学经济学教授Jeffrey Sachs接受了美国著名右翼媒体人Tucker Carlson的访谈,谈到了许多国际问题,包括俄乌、巴以与伊朗,以及中国(特别是台湾问题)。这个访谈之所以非常值得关注,在于它是美国进步左翼和民粹右翼在一个流量巨大的媒体平台(Tucker Carlson)上的奇特“会师”,两种不同的政治代表来到一起,出于不同的出发点和价值立场,一起反思 ...
【摘要】中国认知科学的三个发展阶段是科学研究、学科建设和人才培养,而认知科学时代的人才培养要通过教育变革来实现,为此要重新认识和定义教育。未来教育应坚持知识和能力并重,更加重视心智和认知能力的培养。通过建立人类认知五层级与教育发展各阶段的对应关系,可 ...
Noam Chomsky: The Consequences of Wielding a Sledgehammer Against All U.S. Enemies Around the World A continuation of longtime activist and academic Noam Chomsky's essay, "Masters of Mankind ...
I have no idea who is going to win the 2024 presidential election other than it will be either the open fascist Donald ...
Noam Chomsky is a linguist and philosopher. He is laureate professor of linguistics at the University of Arizona, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of more ...
That barely any content we consume is original, used to be a metaphysical and artistic angst, but with GenAI content in the ...
Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor (retired) at MIT. He is the author of numerous books including "Profit over People," "Manufacturing Consent " and most recently "Who Rules the World?", ...
The 1989 murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez by their sons Lyle and Erik form the basis of the second installment, titled ‘The ...
In this highly readable, heavily footnoted critique of American foreign policy from the late 1950s to the present, Chomsky (whose 9-11 was a bestseller last year) argues that current U.S. policies ...
On September 18, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution that demanded that Israel immediately ...
In May 2023, a few weeks before he became very sick, Declassified UK’s Matt Kennard interviewed Prof Noam Chomsky. They ...