Biblical texts shaped the development of Western civilization and steadily made advances into societies formerly resistant to ...
At Grace Church in Waco, Texas, the Generation Z gender divide can be seen in the pews. It has the potential to reshape both ...
The Bible condemns sexual immorality, teaching that sexual purity is essential to living ... This important function is given special prominence in the narrative describing the creation of woman (Gen ...
Dr. Carson is on the American Cornerstone Institute's Perilous Fight Faith Tour Dr. Carson is an exceptional leader and a shining examp ...
With any illustrated book, most readers turn first to the pictures. Band illuminates Qohelet in both pointed Hebrew ...
SEX is perhaps the last thing that you would expect Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch to want to write about, especially in ...
In her debut book, author Linda Della Pelle gives readers a fascinating approach to discovering life's purpose in Starting at the End: What can I expect once I'M DEAD??The Average Person's Guide to ...
Two main problems are posed: Can Christians, after all that has happened, still claim in good conscience to be the legitimate heirs of Israel 's Bible? Have they the right to propose a Christian ...
There’s no other place like it in the world,” says young Takako in Satoshi Yagisawa’s More Days at the Morisaki Bookshop, translated from the Japanese by Eric Ozawa. The tiny neighbourhood ...
In the video published online, Choi and Kim talk about their common hometown and Choi asks for advice on political advocacy before giving Kim a Christian Dior purse worth 3 million won (about ...
There are around 430,000 foreign Christian missionaries ... "There's a passage of the Bible [that says] you should engage in the Great Commission, which is: you should go and evangelise," she ...
The Bible’s teachings on tithing begin with Abraham’s offering and extend through ... Tithing is a practice that has evolved over time, continuing to play a significant role in Christian faith and ...