Dinoderus minutus, a woodboring beetle native to Asia Omphisa fuscidentalis, a Southeast Asian moth, the larvae of which feed off bamboo and which are considered a delicacy by the local population ...
"Macadamia nut borer" redirects here. For the other moth with this common name, see Cryptophlebia ombrodelta.
Phalaenopsis, or moth orchids, are the most popular indoor orchids, with exotic, long-lasting flowers. They are easy to look after and grow well in centrally heated rooms.
Emerald ash borers are an invasive beetle that is originally from eastern Russia and Northeastern Asia. These bugs were first discovered in North America in Michigan and Ontario in 2002, and have ...
Moths have long been the bane of many households, nibbling through clothes, pricey furniture, and even insulation. Though summer has bid its goodbye and autumn whispers in, residents across the UK ...