塑料制品现如今被广泛制造和使用,全球塑料年产量从1950年的150万吨增加到了2022年的4.3亿吨,超过70%的塑料因处理不当而释放到环境中,成为“塑料垃圾”。随着时间的推移,进入环境中的塑料废弃物会发生破碎和消解,进一步分解成微塑料(MPs)。微塑料是指直径小于5 mm的塑料碎片,疏水性强,可以吸附持久性有机污染物和重金属等,通过协同作用产生联合毒性,影响生物多样性以及生态平衡,进而通过食物链 ...
Advancements in polyolefin characterization using techniques such as chromatography and calorimetry have improved insights into polymer behavior, supporting the creation of sustainable and ...
Advancements in environmental analytical chemistry enable precise detection of pollutants, crucial for effective ...
In diffuse reflection (Figure 5b), the sample is illuminated by NIR light, and any unabsorbed NIR light reflects back to the detector. Figure 5. a) Measurement of solid samples is typically done in ...