IT之家 9 月 15 日消息,科技媒体 medicalxpress 于 9 月 9 日发布博文,报道以色列特拉维夫大学开发了一项新技术,让研究人员首次能够通过无接触式红外成像, 在闭眼状态下监测瞳孔大小和眼球活动的变化。
匈牙利Eötvös Loránd大学的Shany Dror是该研究的第一作者,她表示,研究结果表明这些狗狗将物体的名字储存在长期记忆中,而不是仅仅通过主人频繁玩耍来刷新记忆。 Dror还补充道,这些发现可能对理解人类语言的进化产生重要意义,因为记忆是语言的诸多组成部分之一。“为什么语言是人类独有的?为了理解这个问题,我们需要明白哪些部分的语言存在于其他动物中,哪些部分不存在。”她说。
IMW 主席 Cathy van Zyl MW 分享了她对这一消息的看法:“新晋葡萄酒大师的公布对协会来说总是一个快乐的日子,但更重要的是,这对获得 MW 头衔的人来说是一个重大成就。成为葡萄酒大师的旅程绝非易事,我衷心祝贺 ...
IT之家 9 月 15 日消息,科技媒体 medicalxpress 于 9 月 9 日发布博文,报道以色列特拉维夫大学开发了一项新技术,让研究人员首次能够通过无接触式红外成像, 在闭眼状态下监测瞳孔大小和眼球活动的变化。
Learn everything you need to know about Minthara's and Dror Ragzlin's boss fights, including their weaknesses and rewards.
Designer Dror Benshetrit is the founder and principal of New York-based Studio Dror. Since it was established in New York City in 2002, the cross-disciplinary studio has partnered with Alessi ...
Beetz Brothers, a well-established German production company, has teamed with ZDF to produce “Hurt People Hurt People, ...
Dror Ortho-Design, Inc. engages in the research and development of an orthodontic alignment platform. It also offers orthodontic medical devices. The company was formerly known as Novint ...
但有害生物严重影响甘蔗生产力,每年造成数亿美元的损失,危及越来越多地区的产量。通过此次合作,CTC 和 PlantArcBio 旨在加速作物保护技术的创新,使农民能够种植更健康,更具适应力的甘蔗,以加速能源转型。
A new technological development allows for the first time to monitor changes in pupil size and gaze direction behind closed ...
"We know that language by itself relies on a variety of different cognitive skills. We would not be able to learn new languages or even a single language if we were not able to remember what we have ...