随着医学领域的国际学术交流日益频繁,医学院校学术英语阅读与写作教学的重要性日益凸显。教育部提出建设“新医科”,着重培养堪当健康中国大任、具有国际视野的高素质复合型卓越医学人才,以满足国家、社会和职场对医学人才的迫切需求。为了培养通晓国际规则、具有较强双语能力和较高专业学术素养的国际化优秀人才,教育部最新修订的《大学英语教学指南》首次将学术英语教学纳入大学英语教学体系 [ 1 ]。
There are only a few GCSEs that are compulsory; maths, at least two science subjects, and English language or literature - ...
In many English classrooms across America, assignments to read full-length novels are becoming less common. Some teachers ...
Alabama’s Alabama Reading Initiative Director said at a Literacy Task Force meeting Friday that the Task Force could think ...
子龙同学分享了自己在学习旅程中的心理转变,以及他养成良好的学习习惯、取得优异成绩的经历。刚进初中时,他曾感到困惑。由于英语发音不标准,他在课堂上不敢回答老师提出的问题;课后,很难记住单词的发音和拼写;做数学题时,总找不到正确的解题思路。老师用“农民播 ...
A 15-year-old student says she is leaving her North Carolina high school after she was forced to read “graphic, incestual ...
A woman in Da Lat in the Central Highlands has achieved a perfect 9.0 score in IELTS, driven by her passion for reading and ...
In the most recent podcast episode of 'A Woman's View,' guests on the show talk about how students are reading less books in ...
In many English classrooms across America, assignments to read full-length novels are becoming less common. Some teachers ...
Television creators say themes of burnout and stress in the workplace are baked into storylines because they're omnipresent ...