Leading menopause expert Emma Bardwell warns that it's easy to dismiss these symptoms without realising you may be entering ...
Our understanding of human health is still rudimentary, with many of the biggest questions unanswered. Take cancer. Despite ...
A diet high in processed foods and refined sugars can disrupt the balance of leptin and ghrelin, the hormones responsible for ...
The type of hair loss commonly associated with thyroid disease is called alopecia areata, and it most classically results in ...
For many years now, I’ve been experiencing hair loss, and lately, it just seems to be getting worse. I am so worried because my hair has gotten so ...
For many years now, I’ve been experiencing hair loss, and lately, it just seems to be getting worse. I am so worried because my hair has gotten so thin, and I am afraid that I will soon be bald. I am ...
A weight-loss doctor says it isn't just food you need to give up if you want to get slimmer, you need to look in your ...
Doctors often misdiagnose women’s health problems as the menopause or stress. One writer details her experience of medical ...
Thyroid troubles can disrupt your life in more ways than one, given that the thyroid gland acts as your body’s thermostat, ...
from organic and health foods stores, or by taking a daily kelp supplement.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. Its primary function is to produce the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which help regulate metabolism and aid in ...