Disney has had a long and successful track record of animated shows for television. Beginning in the 1980s with shows like The Adventures of the Gummi Bears, DuckTales, and The New Adventures of ...
Gargoyles is an animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, in collaboration with Walt Disney Animation Japan for its first two seasons and Nelvana for its final, and ...
In June 2005, it was announced that a series of Disney-licensed, bi-monthly Gargoyles comic books would be created by Slave Labor Graphics in association with CreatureComics. Gargoyles #1 was released ...
Debuting in the 90s, Gargoyles was a cartoon by Disney Television Animation in Glendale, California. The series followed a group of titular creatures sworn to protect a human city. It ran for ...
After a heated argument with Goliath, Brooklyn runs away from the castle and befriends two runaway teenagers. Through a series of events, Brooklyn realizes Goliath was just looking out for him and ...
Disney’s version popularised the animated ‘gargoyles’ of Victor, Hugo and Laverne and is responsible for what many now believe is a gargoyle. Victor, Hugo and Laverne are in fact chimaeras ...
Cartoon Forum is the leading animated tv series pitching event for Europeans, and this year, 485 companies were represented, with 256 buyers (26% of them attending Cartoon for the first time), and ...