Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient remains of an Egyptian army barracks and the artifacts left there, including a ...
The Hittites wrote, and they wrote a lot. In their home turf of Anatolia around 4,000 to 3,000 years ago, Hittite writers recorded state dealings and decrees, myths, rites, and religious rituals.
which was marked by a boom in construction and wars with the Hittites and enemy invasions. The sword was found in a small ...
“Okay, let's agree you Arabs are a Palestinian people (with a humiliating name and with the sole goal of killing Jews). This ...
We know that after Tutankhamun's death, an Egyptian queen, most likely Ankhesenamun, appeals to the king of the Hittites, Egypt's principal enemies, to send a prince to marry her, because "my ...
Text engraved on the tablet was in the language of the Hurrians, who are believed to have been once powerful enough to vie for hegemony in the ancient Orient with the Hittites and the Egyptians.
The story focuses on the conflicts between a strict religious community called the Hittites and the young couple living on a nearby farm. The husband is an ex-Hittite, and his family disapproves of ...
A team of archeologists in Egypt uncovered a sword with hieroglyphs showing the name of pharaoh Ramesses II. The weapon was one of the numerous artifacts from the well-supplied Tel Al-Abqain ...
In 1300BC, at the height of the Bronze Age, the great powers of Egypt, the Hittites in central Turkey, the Greeks, Babylonians and Middle Eastern city states would have seemed secure to any ...
La collection de tablettes d'argile à écriture cunéiforme de Boghazköy (l'antique Hattousas) contient les seuls documents connus concernant la civilisation des Hittites, qui fondèrent au IIe ...
Watching Hittites flanked by Minotaurs lay siege to the walls of Troy has been a genre highlight for me. It could have been braver about the stylistic bits, the way gods and heroes are ...