But is there any real reason to choose between tea and coffee, other than personal preference? The amount of caffeine in tea and coffee varies, depending on the strength, variety and brewing ...
As healthy is white tea is, you may not want the extra caffeine. If that’s the case, there are a few things you can do to manage your caffeine intake, even while sipping your cup of tea.
4 at 6:05 a.m. Do you start your mornings with a potent dose of caffeine from a freshly brewed cup of Joe? Or do you prefer a slightly less caffeinated nudge from a warm and gentle cup of tea?
and whether there are benefits in this regard. To determine whether reported improvements in brain function for older adults are solely due to caffeine in green tea or whether other components ...
Some studies have shown that caffeine in coffee and tea may reduce dementia risk by a small amount, while other studies show no effect or a slightly increased risk. A lifelong approach to good health ...
Breastfeeding mums have been advised to keep an eye on how much caffeine they’re drinking, as it could have a bigger impact on their babes than they realise. Caffeine in drinks such as tea, coffee and ...