Adversarial Attacks,Adversarial Examples,Convolutional Layers,Fast Gradient Sign Method,Neural Network,Projected Gradient Descent,Adversarial Perturbations,Attack Methods,Automatic Modulation ...
The Office for Career Success team is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive career ecosystem for students, faculty, and employers. Our focus on diversity, inclusion, equity, and ...
一个来自中国的包裹里,童鞋中竟塞入了猪肉脯,而这也难逃海关检测装置的“法眼”。 悉尼大学的学者提醒所有澳大利亚人和来澳游客,应警惕在 ...
Many animal behaviours happen fleetingly and are a challenge to observe, let alone photograph. From dramatic clashes over territory to intimate moments between mates, these images offer memorable ...
Jiang Ping, a Chinese legal scholar forced to resign a university president post after backing the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square but who remained an influential voice for the ...
Single-cell RNA-sequencing protocols (drop-seq and Patch-seq) are combined to understand cellular diversity across brain regions and species. Each brain region is composed of distinct neuronal cell ...
综合报道:第35届香港电影金像奖颁奖礼于4月3日举行,备受争议的电影《十年》夺得了最佳影片奖。《十年》是一部香港本地题材的电影,由5个 ...
我们综述中的证据表明,强化护理干预可改善患者短期和长期药物依从性,以及降低总胆固醇和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平。将基于团队的患者强化护理干预应用于医疗保健系统,可能会成功提高 ...
Praised by the New York Times as a “fiery musician” whose playing is “vigorous and passionate,” Qing Jiang has emerged as a versatile musician who is equally known as a performer, teacher, and an ...
Dr. Jiang's work falls under technological developments in translational research. Specifically, his work straddles biomechanics, biomedical imaging, and computational intelligence. He is actively ...