(金边26日讯)受今年台风以及持续强降雨冲袭,本月以来柬埔寨多地发生洪涝灾害,大量房舍和农田受损,严重影响当地民众生产生活。柬农村发展部周三召开的一个会议上要求相关当局采取措施,向受灾民众和家庭提供必要援助。中新社报导,据柬埔寨国家灾难管理委员会官员 ...
直播吧09月26日讯 联赛杯第3轮,阿森纳主场迎战英甲球队博尔顿,比赛第77分钟,斯特林打门被扑出,哈弗茨补射建功。
4 models on clearance. Some of the EVs have LG batteries, but those with SK On components are eligible for a $7,500 tax credit. If you're car shopping, the window sticker will indicate which battery ...
In a bid to curb rising dust pollution during the winter months, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Saturday unveiled a ...