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【共同社9月28日电】据相关人士28日透露,日本自民党新总裁石破茂已基本决定,让在总裁选举中展开竞争的前环境相小泉进次郎担任党选举对策委员长。石破正协调让在岸田内阁担任官房长官的林芳正继续担任该职... 【共同社丹佛9月28日电】美职棒大联盟道奇 ...
MULTEMP SRL マルテンプ SRL 润滑脂 静音脂。MULTEMP SRL(マルテンプ SRL)是一款可以满足上述要求的宽温度范围长寿命润滑脂,已在市场中广泛应用。 #MULTEMPSRL #マルテンプSRL #润滑脂 #油脂 #润滑油返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人 ...
Click the FOLLOW button to be the first to know about this artist's upcoming lots, sold lots, exhibitions and articles ...
田中涌士(日语:たなかゆうし,1999年5月5日-),日本男子羽毛球运动员,亦为现役日本国家羽毛球队成员。熊本县出生,先后毕业于菊池南初中和八代东高中,毕业于日本大学。 2021年12月,田中涌士在全日本综合羽毛球锦标赛上打入决赛,意外战胜了赛前 ...
【共同社9月2日电】日本官房长官林芳正2日在记者会上,就中国海军测量舰8月31日驶入鹿儿岛县近海的日本领海,强调已通过外交渠道提出抗议。他还表示:“中国近年来在我国周边的军事活动越来越频繁,我们将抱着严重关切关注其动向,力争警戒监视活动 ...
12, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP) This photo combination shows the candidates of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party for the party’s upcoming presidential election. Top row from left, former Environment ...
6, 2024. (Kyodo News via AP) Japan’s former Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba announces his candidacy of the Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election, in Yazu town, Tottori prefecture, Japan, on ...
(VCG/Getty/Kyodo) BEIJING (Kyodo) -- China's top diplomat Wang Yi showed willingness to lease giant pandas to a Japanese zoo when he met last week with a cross-party parliamentary delegation from ...
KAGOSHIMA (Kyodo) -- An iconic 3,000-year-old cedar on Yakushima Island in southwestern Japan has been toppled, likely due to strong winds brought by Typhoon Shanshan, local tour guides said Tuesday.
This study utilizes the granular Japanese customs data from 2014 to 2020 to examine the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to Japanese import prices. It mainly focuses on the impact of the invoicing ...