1.如下表,科目从一级至四级全有,需要提取最后一级的科目? 最后一级科目,即是最后一个文本。 在F2中输入公式,之后下拉填充公式: =LOOKUP("座",B2:E2) 2.若科目非文本,而是数字,如何提取出最后一级的科目呢?
Kind reminder: You need to make an appointment in advance to view the house and avoid being left unattended temporarily. Thank you for your cooperation!
Renowned American contemporary photographer Stephen Shore left a Beijing lecture mid-way on September 19, expressing ...
Kind reminder: You need to make an appointment in advance to view the house and avoid being left unattended temporarily. Thank you for your cooperation! 前湾 · ...
不少网友认为口头offer不可信,没拿到书面offer之前一定要留条后路。还有人建议楼主把其他拒掉的offer舔回来,楼主尝试了一下还真把美团的offer舔回来了。结果总算还是好的,不过能拿这么多offer也足见楼主实力很强,即使舔不回来也不影响继续 ...
(ECNS) -- As an African proverb goes, a friend is someone you share the path with. On the path to modernization, no one, and ...
虎扑09月12日讯 AG超玩会发布夏季赛决赛·倒计时:Three Days Left,原文如下:【 2024KPL夏季赛决赛·倒计时 】Three Days Left.
床单多长时间洗一次?两星期?一个月?还是半年? 科学家给出了答案:一星期。 你的肉眼看不见,不代表你的床单不脏。如果床单超过一星期不洗,落在上面的各种细菌和真菌就会让你过敏甚至生病。