Another effective natural remedy for ulcers is deglycyrrhizinated liquorice ... as the more food and drink you have in your stomach, the greater the risk of acid reflux. This is especially ...
Another natural remedy for ulcers is deglycyrrhizinated liquorice (DGL). This appears to work by stimulating the secretion of the protective coat on the inside of the stomach. The normal ...
Bananas have long been recognised for their antacid effects that protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage. Simply add milk to banana and it will significantly suppress acid secretion.
A stomach ulcer, also called a gastric ulcer, is an open sore on the lining of your stomach. Stomach ulcers develop when the stomach's protective mucosal lining breaks down, allowing digestive ...
In 1994, a decade after Marshall infected and then treated himself, a group of experts from the US National Institutes of Health endorsed antibiotics as the standard treatment for stomach ulcers.