Irish new media artist Alan Butler has debuted his first Chinese public art project at HKRI Taikoo Hui in Jing'an District, ...
An exhibition that features 130 award-winning works by children in China and France started at the China Art Museum in the ...
PART I 展览信息&票务信息ART SHANGHAI 欧洲国家珍藏展2024 / 2025 跨年重磅大展献礼中法建交60周年纪念“Art Deco装饰艺术风格”诞生100周年Résonances Art Déco: Paris Chic - ...
2024年9月初,德国柏林IFA展台,荣耀CEO赵明在接连两场发布会上,向到场的全球媒体和行业人士展示了荣耀今年的笔记本产品线双旗舰——荣耀MagicBook Art 14酷睿版和骁龙版。
in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, filed forbankruptcy. Ⅱ ①The world art markethad already ...
“再造灵境——当代艺术展”是从“艺术与科技”主题出发组织和策划的专题展览,展览旨在展现艺术家利用当代科技所进行的一系列艺术实践与成果。 "Recreating Spiritual Realm - Contemporary Art Exhibition ...
Our innovation editor John Thornhill on seeing the new film ‘Eno’, which presents the musician’s life in a new sequence each ...
A Whole Load More Entertainment for Young & Old! Tickets are just RMB100, which gets you five RMB20 food and drink tickets.
赵玖个展「山海经」为双城主题个展,分为「山」、「海」两个部分。第一主题「海」于海上美术馆进行展览,第二主题「山」于鞍山钢·美术馆进行展览。纵为天地,横为山海,山海之间,玖转功成与您共赴,山海之约赵玖个展山海经展期 | ...
From September 27, an outdoor night market called "Ping Chuan Alley·Ping Chuan Market" is being held at Tianhe Link Plaza ...
Last week saw the release of the director’s 40-year passion project. Film critics Danny Leigh and Nicolas Rapold join to ...
公共政策分析学者兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。不战而胜善之上善。 孙子兵法金砖国家组织是一个与西方主导的国际货币基金组织、世界银行、七国集团和二十国集团竞争的经济、政治和发展集团,关注金砖国家进展的观察家可能会好奇,为何至今没有多少关于10月22 ...