Visit the homepage for more information. A: "City of God," "new Jerusalem," "holy city," etc. refers in the first place to the heavenly Jerusalem understood as the end time community of believers, the ...
At the Dominican École Biblique in Jerusalem ... Bible has been translated into over 670 languages; the New Testament alone can be read in more than 1,500 additional languages. 1 of 20 Text ...
The Bible — one long creation ... the literary structure of the text mirrors the structure of Mideastern temples, including Jerusalem's. On day seven, the Sabbath, God rests and delights in ...
And its owner could be a legendary man who held a senior position in the holy city of Jerusalem ... text in Paleo-Hebrew character. The text reads "LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu". The Bible ...
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have unearthed a tiny ancient artefact that could have huge significance. They believe the relic, which is smaller than a penny, could prove a warrior mentioned in the ...
This finding also provides new evidence to support a multi-national culture thriving in ancient Jerusalem, as it is described in the bible. During the first temple period, when this seal was made ...
"The seal, made of black stone, is one of the most beautiful ever discovered in excavations in ancient Jerusalem ... is familiar to us from the Bible (Chron. I 12:7) in its abbreviated form ...
Boy returns to Israeli museum where he broke ancient jar The new DNA study has indicated that ... was associated with medicinal use in the Bible,” researchers said. The latest research also ...
This 8th-century miniature, by the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana, depicts the Bible ... the sack of Jerusalem, by whose waters they “sat down and wept.” By the time of the New Testament ...
new video loaded: Protesters in Jerusalem Demand an Immediate Hostage Deal transcript Israelis demonstrated outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office after the military recovered the ...
(credit: Emil Aladjem, Israel Antiquities Authority) The name "Yehoʼezer" appears in the Bible ... new understandings of the influence of the Assyrian Empire on Judah, particularly in Jerusalem ...