The global marine active ingredients market is projected to experience substantial growth, rising from USD 9,709.0 million in ...
SoPure Dorado is the latest advancement from Howtian, focusing on the demand for minimally processed ingredients. The ingredient is a pure, unrefined, golden stevia extract that is plant-based and ...
中国有机蘑菇提取物市场主要企业有Amax NutraSource Inc., Nammex, Mushroom Science, Huachengbio, Bio-Botanica Inc., Hokkaido-reishi, Dragon Herbs, Xian Yuensun Biological Technology Co. Ltd., Bristol Botanicals Limited等 ...
As food inflation continues to cool, consumers still cite grocery prices as a main financial concern, with many shoppers turning to a host of cost-saving methods, including trading down, to reduce ...
脉洛酚?是一种创新的“记忆补充剂”,含有多种物质,比如白藜芦醇、儿茶素、花青素、阿魏酸等。基于药物方法,通过细胞试验、动物试验以及试验,证实了脉洛酚?具有高生物利用度,具有强大的作用机制和认知提升,对学习、强化短期记忆、改善长期记忆 ...
鳐鱼肽Cartidyss?经验证,仅仅需要140分钟,即可高效吸收到达血液的峰值。 鳐鱼,海洋软骨鱼,骨骼完全由软骨构成。来自于北大西洋,靠近法国的布列塔尼渔业区,生活在从浅海到2700m以下的深水处。 的鳐鱼软骨提取物组成,无任何辅料添加,不含人工色素 ...