In the process, a cinema unlike any other forms Everything about these extraordinarily punishing, borderline sociopathic, but no doubt often astonishing movies begins to make sense once you’re aware ...
In 2006 Yang created Series of Vulnerable Arrangements – Version Utrecht, her first and seminal work to be constructed with Venetian blinds. Drawn to the Venetian blinds for their obliqueness, their ...
One of the ancient Sanskrit scriptures of Hinduism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
The book received positive reviews upon its publication in English translation in 1987. It is considered essential for understanding Marcuse's later intellectual development. However, the book has ...
Yang is drawn to Venetian blinds for their obliqueness, semi-transparent quality, and their capacity to divide and configure a space. Leap Year will conclude with an ambitious new commission of a ...
With a similar obliqueness, the Holocaust crops up again in Mina’s Matchbox – a coming-of-age novel set in 1972 and which this month becomes the sixth so far of Ogawa’s novels to be ...
Lange’s prose is so full of ambiguity, grammatical elisions and perspectival pirouettes that finding the line between obliqueness and total opacity must have been no easy task. In Whittle’s English, ...
‘Document’ gave R.E.M. the chance to further broaden their palette, fashioning songs from riffs written on instruments such as mandolins and accordions. Litt had already assembled an ...