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To keep your pup safe from heartworm disease and its serious repercussions, review our researched list of the best heartworm ...
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Here, the authors determine the mechanism of Cdr1-mediated fluconazole resistance and milbemycin oxime inhibition, providing a foundation for future drug discovery efforts. Here the authors report ...
[Treatment of surgical stress response by neuroleptics, leu-enkephalin, glycyl-proline dipeptide, and electroanesthesia in experimental animals].
Corticopontocerebellar tract function was assessed using 99m Tc hexamethylpropylene amine oxime-single photon emission computerised tomography (HMPAO-SPECT) in six patients. Sensory functions were ...
Stroke is a heterogeneous syndrome caused by multiple disease mechanisms, but all result in a disruption of cerebral blood flow with subsequent tissue damage. This review covers the mechanisms ...
环苯草酮(profoxydim)1990年由巴斯夫公司开发的新型环己烯酮类除草剂,于1999在南美国家首登,随后在泰国登记,主要用于稻田苗后防除禾本科杂草如稗草、兰马草、马唐、千金子、狗尾草、筒轴茅等,对直播水稻和移栽水稻均安全。且目前专利期已过,与先达苯 ...
Materials that respond to their external environment require creative molecular design — much inspiration comes from the natural world. The human body is fascinating for its ability to respond ...