One of the most important factors in the relation between Tibet and the Government of India was the appointment of K.M. Panikkar as the Ambassador to ‘two Chinas’. It is unusual that the Indian ...
HT has known hard times and good times, and faced many challenges over the decades. Its role has been to counsel, correct and ...
“Every word and sentence published in the paper should be weighed. There should not only be no untrue statements but also no ...
Times have changed, situations have changed, but the basic nature of superpower geo-politics remains the same and so also ...
What is the Environmental Program? The Environmental Program is a community of ideas, scholars, teachers, student-teachers and engagement that spans across the UVM campus, across the state of Vermont, ...
A clinical trial is defined by NIH as a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to ...
Dileep, Kavya Madhavan, Sai Kumar,Vijayaraghavan, Innocent, Salim Kumar, Suvarna Mathew, Bindu Panikkar ...
That would be advantageous for pushing for political changes in Tibet, and marching into Lhasa the next year.” A few days earlier, KM Panikkar, the Indian Ambassador in China had met Zhou Enlai, the ...