St. Stylianos was from Paphlagonia living in the latter 6th century and early 7th century. He loved the Lord Jesus Christ with his whole heart and lived in strict asceticism. When he fell asleep in ...
from Paphlagonia, a region bordering the Black Sea on the northern coast of Anatolia), offering him vassalage in exchange for military aid. Mithridates accepted and sent an army under the command of ...
Environmental Archaeology 1:111–22. Crow, J. 2009. Byzantine Castles or Fortified Places in Paphlagonia and Pontus. In Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia, ed. T. Vorderstrasse and J.
Mete Oguz, PhD History (2023): "Looking beyond the Queen of Cities: A Study of Roman Paphlagonia in the Middle Ages." Supervised by Dimitris Krallis. Tiffany VanWinkoop, MA, History (2021): ...
St. Stylianos was from Paphlagonia living in the latter 6th century and early 7th century. He loved the Lord Jesus Christ with his whole heart and lived in strict asceticism. When he fell asleep in ...