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它以一定的频率对产品、工艺流程、设备参数等进行检测,并在发现异常时及时纠正,以避免质量问题持续发生。 3. PQC(Process Quality Control,生产过程质量控制) PQC的职能与IPQC相似,主要是在生产工艺过程中进行质量控制。其重点是监控整个生产流程的各个 ...
especially in the range < 1 NTU. The measuring range comprises 0-1100 NTU/FNU with automatic measuring range switching and is therefore suitable for water analysis as well as quality control, such as ...
Dental health is related to overall health and protection for holistic health starts with healthy teeth, the Shanghai Health ...
对液化天然气运输船不断飙升的需求,迫使全球船东转向中国缺乏经验的造船商。 更新于2024年9月3日 19:53 奥利弗•特林,Shotaro Tani,Chan Ho-him Global shipowners are racing to tighten scrutiny of Chinese shipyards as soaring demand for liquefied natural ...
Fudan University's Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital has started to use artificial intelligence to create medical records in ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
质量证书的控制批准方法或者ISO9001证书(Letter of Quality Control Confirmation MethodorManufacturer’s ISO 9001 Certificate) 说明:所有递交的文档建议为日文文档,英文文档也可被接受。测试报告可以用当地测试机构所用语言。返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 平台声明 ...
聚氨酯冷库板多项检测全通过,高效节能显实力 ...
(原标题:"Chain Dynamics" of GBA Enterprises | Guangdong's Daily Chemical Leader Liby and its "Chain Power") ...