芯片设计巨头ARM与移动芯片巨头高通的争斗正在升级。10月23日,据相关媒体报道,ARM计划撤销高通使用其知识产权设计芯片的授权。根据一份最新文件,ARM提前60天向高通发出通知,意图终止双方的架构许可协议。而在最近的高通骁龙峰会上,高通发布重磅消息 ...
The global trade conflicts seem to be heating up. What are the implications for the global economy? What will be the overall ...
欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula Von der Leyen)星期三(10月9日)以不同寻常的直率的方式,抨击布达佩斯与俄罗斯和中国的关系,指匈牙利 ...
A securities company shall include all its subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries managed as subsidiaries in the all-round risk management system to enhance the risk management in branches and realize the ...