Of course, then all of them — Yeltsin, Shushkevich, Kravchuk — said at every corner that they had decided to renew the USSR ...
"Upon orders of Americans they started deteriorating relations with us. They expected that I will also be dragged into the war. They would be just happy if Belarus joined this war. But I am doing as ...
It surprised me. When I met with Poznyak and Shushkevich, I told them: ‘What kind of Poles are you? You are pro-Poland people after all! Why haven’t you resolved the problem yet?’ ...
This is a list of people connected to the Republic of Belarus. It is not limited to persons of Belarusian ethnicity; Russians, Jews, Poles, Vikings, etc., may be found in this list. Over time the ...
Alternative spelling Stanislaus (Latin, German), Stanislav (Slovak), Stanislau, Stanislaw (Belarusian), Stanislas (French), Staņislavs (Latvian), Stanislovas ...