"A calculus bridge forms when the calculus around individual teeth join to form a solid 'bridge' around several teeth," said ...
At home dental care is critical for your oral health, but just can’t replace what a professional cleaning does.
Encourage your child to eat more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, drink more water and engage in physical activity ...
One day, office worker A found a hole in the shape of a triangle in the gum space between his front teeth. The black hole ...
These are the same bacteria that have previously been linked to periodontal disease, a severe gum infection that can damage the jawbone and soft tissue around teeth. Prior studies have linked ...
Most of us are aware of the importance of brushing our teeth. The NHS recommends that we brush our teeth at least twice a day ...
These same germs have been tied to periodontal disease, a severe gum infection that can damage the jawbone and soft tissue around teeth. For a long time, experts have observed a strong relationship ...