The AI software uses single or multinodular thyroid ultrasound images in detecting nodules and is capable of automatically ...
Regis Healthcare has agreed to buy two residential aged care homes from privately owned Ti Tree Operations for $35.5 million.
See-Mode Technologies, a global innovator in AI for ultrasound imaging, today announced the receipt of 510(k) clearance from ...
美××旧:B超报告提示:“峡部偏右侧甲状腺两个结节(大者ACR TI-RADS:5类,另一结节3类)——皱缩结节待排”。是不是直接手术比较安全?我记得4b就要手术的,5类恶性的可能性会很大吧? @浙人医徐加杰:您这个结节不太一样,需谨慎手术,建议穿刺 ...
On this page, find out what the prize pool for Dota 2 The International 2024 is and read a history of how the TI prize pool has developed since its first iteration in 2011. Recently, Valve has ...
The O-RADS™ US v2022 update outlines major changes to the system and allows its application to all pelvic US reports, if desired. It also provides clarity, improved specificity, better aligns with ...
近日,市民张女士(化名)在体检时意外发现甲状腺上存在多个结节,且依据TI-RADS分类标准被评估为4级,意味着不能完全排除恶性结节的可能性。得知这一结果后,张女士心情沉重,终日沉浸在焦虑与不安之中。她既不想通过开刀切取组织进行活检,又担心万一结节真的 ...
在今天凌晨进行的《Dota 2》Ti13淘汰赛败者组第二轮中,中国战队XG以2:1的比分淘汰了上届Ti的卫冕冠军雪碧战队(Team Spirit),成功挺进八强。 作为唯一一支进入Ti主场馆的中国战队,XG将在9月13日19点迎战东南亚战队Aurora。而Team Zero和G2 x iG战队则在败者组第一轮 ...
Asthma is a health condition that affects the respiratory system. “Reactive airway disease (RAD)” is a more general term for a respiratory condition that causes wheezing or breathing issues.
Learn how to incorporate O-RADS™ MRI in the evaluation of patients with adnexal lesions in clinical practice through the use of lexicon terms, imaging techniques and risk stratification system.