8月13日,我们带领线上线下的关注者们,在东华门街道的带领下进行现场实时抓捕。在半天内完成对东华门社区26只猫咪的抓捕。 其中1只猫咪已打耳标,当场放归。
在 2024 年的铜陵,一项充满爱与希望的“铜陵 TNR ...
Democrats spent part of their week identifying the real people who’d be harmed by Project 2025. They should follow these ...
近日,深圳福田区园岭街道南天社区在百花新天地成功举办了一场以“科学救助,爱心领养”为主题的流浪动物救助宣传活动。此次活动由小芭笨笨义工队和福田百花义工队联合主办,深铁义工队、读特客户端支持。活动旨在提高公众对流浪动物科学救助的认知,推广“领养代替购买 ...
As Smith prepares to detail new evidence about Trump to the court, a reporter who closely covers the January 6 case sheds ...
As polls show a tight race in Pennsylvania, which Trump cannot lose, Governor Josh Shapiro explains why he thinks Kamala ...
The press has been feverishly demanding more and more wonky details about the presidential candidates’ proposals. If only ...
Joy Gallery in Rochester will be hosting Catoberfest to benefit RocKats starting October 11. Catoberfest will have raffles, ...
Alaska State Troopers responded to an address in Wasilla for a death investigation, where initial investigation revealed two ...
在城市的角落,或是乡村的田野间,我们时常能见到那些或蜷缩在废弃纸箱中,或悠然漫步于街巷的流浪猫。它们以自由为伴,却也承受着生活的艰辛与不确定。尽管流浪猫以其独特的魅力吸引着众多爱心人士的注意,但“不建议养流浪猫”这一观点,背后实则蕴含着对动物福利、人 ...
最后值得一提的是其音频表现力,配备了HyperX和DTS:X Ultra双音效技术,可以提供更逼真的声音效果。摄像头方面也有不错的表现,支持FHD TNR和物理挡板设计,并且支持智能降噪功能。接口丰富多样,包括全功能USB-C接口和WiFi 6E连接等。 好价情报来源于热心网友及 ...
"Although this story has a fun and happy ending, animal rescue and TNR (trap, spay/neuter, release) does not always have a ...