据港交所9月29日披露,湖北香江电器股份有限公司(简称:香江电器)向港交所主板提交上市申请书,国金证券(香港)为独家保荐人。 招股书显示,香江电器是中国的质量生活家居用品制造商。主要以ODM/OEM模式营运,并已建立起由全球知名兼历史悠久的品牌组成的客户群,例如沃尔玛、Telebrands、SEB、Sensio、HamiltonBeach及飞利浦等。凭借在设计、开发和制造各式各样小家电方面的能力, ...
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Industry leader Yazdi Sodawaterwala passed away last week. Yazdi Sodawaterwala was the Head of Distribution and Marketing at Telebrands India. During his career, he had worked across various media ...
Before there was Walmart, there was Kmart. But, a published report says the last full-size Kmart store in the U.S. is closing, marking the end of an era. … ...