The cocoa powder in hot chocolate is full of theobromine, which is different from caffeine by just one methyl group & can reduce sleepiness. Add orange zest for a soothing lift at the end of the day. ...
Forget sit-ups — 5 abs exercises to build six-pack muscles without weights How to Avoid the 'Widow's Penalty' After the Loss of a Spouse "Never, Never Use That Song Again": Isaac Hayes III ...
Learn about 10 common household items that are dangerous and poisonous for dogs and cats. Protect your pets by knowing what ...
为什么巧克力对狗狗有害? 巧克力中含有一种名为茶碱(Theobromine)的化合物,这是一种类似于咖啡因的刺激物。对人类而言,茶碱通常不会导致严重问题,但狗狗的代谢系统无法有效快速地处理这种物质,因此即使是小量的巧克力也可能对狗狗构成严重威胁。
1. 巧克力和咖啡 巧克力含有一种名为可可碱(Theobromine)的化合物,对狗狗来说是高度有毒的。即使是少量的巧克力,也可能引起泰迪的心脏问题、肌肉颤抖、严重的腹泻和呕吐。咖啡和其他含咖啡因的饮料也同样危险,因为咖啡因的刺激效应对狗狗的中枢神经 ...
Most of us have heard that chocolates are bad for our health as they contains a high amount of sugar. But here are some ...
The first time someone from North America tries yerba mate in the traditional style, with a gourd or cattle horn stuffed with ...
Fortune Recommends™ Health is editorially independent. We may earn affiliate revenue from links in this content. Learn more . Fortune Recommends™ is editorially independent. We earn a commission for ...
Sugary snacks or caffeinated drinks often lead to energy crashes and can leave you feeling worse later on. Instead, opt for ...
As a local veterinarian, I frequently encounter cases where dogs have ingested harmful but common foods, often out of ...
Dark chocolates contain sugar and high amounts of cocoa (70 per cent or higher). It has several health benefits. Get to know ...