由史蒂文斯物理学教授伊戈尔・皮科夫斯基(Igor Pikovski)领导的一个研究小组,提出了新的量子传感实验,可以探测到单个引力子(构成万有引力的粒子),这在以前被认为是不可能的。
周五, 魁省一间法院批准了由一名危地马拉工人发起的集体诉讼 ,他声称自1966年以来实施的封闭式工作许可制度是对种族、国籍或族裔出身以及肤色的直接歧视,违反了《加拿大权利与自由宪章》。
Chef Andrea Condes with Four Directions Cuisine began a dinner series called The Rooted Andina, using ingredients and techniques that celebrate her culture.
1型糖尿病 (T1DM) 是一种慢性自身免疫性疾病,最常见的治疗方法是终身胰岛素替代疗法。动脉递送干细胞已被提议作为替代胰腺功能的有效选择。目前大多数糖尿病患者都选择外周静脉MSCs移植,只有少数患者通过胰腺背动脉注射MSCs。
An Oklahoma woman and an El Dorado man were arrested on felony charges in separate drug-related incidents late Monday and ...
A quantum sensing experiment now has the potential to identify single gravitons — the particles that make up gravity — which ...
In Livingston County, officials agree AI can be a powerful tool for learning — but only if used appropriately.
They recommended for people to bring their own pillows, blankets and various comfort items to help settle in overnight.
CHARLES COUNTY, Md. - A warrant has been issued for a man wanted in connection with a violent assault against a woman in ...
A recent breakthrough led by Igor Pikovski, a physics professor at Stevens Institute of Technology, may soon allow scientists ...
The era’s influence continues to shape pop culture and fashion. And with the news that Tamagotchi is having a moment again, ...