周二,一家主要金融机构继续支持Unicredit SpA (UCG:IM) (OTC: UNCFF),重申买入评级,目标价为42.00欧元。 这一重申评级是在Unicredit意外披露其已签订金融工具合约,涉及约11.5%的Commerzbank股份,并有可能将持股比例提高到21%之后做出的。 最近的这些进展是在德国政府上周五确认将停止进一步出售其在Commerzbank的股份之后发生的。多个德国 ...
Steven Madden, Ltd.'s Q2 financials showed very solid underlying growth momentum. Click here for the updated look at SHOO stock post Q2 earnings.
UniCredit said it's taken a 9% stake, by buying a 4.5% chunk of Commerzbank held by the German government and the rest through market activity. The German government said it sold its shares at ...
俄乌冲突要打到什么时候,俄罗斯已经给出了判定标准,要打到俄罗斯彻底安全,打到北约在东欧地区的力量被彻底削弱。 简单来说,俄罗斯已经准备好了迎接一场长期战争。与俄罗斯不同,乌克兰目前已经快要打不下去,乌总统泽连斯基在访问德国时表示,他 ...
Online grocery prices fell 3.7% in August compared to a month earlier, according to Adobe’s Digital Price Index. That’s the largest month-over-month decline since the company started tracking the data ...
Tesla owners who subscribe to extended warranties through tech startup Amber can have service issues diagnosed remotely ...
9月9日,比亚迪2025款汉正式上市,其中2025款汉DM-i共推出5款车型,售价区间16.58-22.58万元;而2025款汉EV推出4款车型,售价区间17.98-23.58万元。作为一款成熟的产品,2025款汉依旧定位于一款中大型轿车,新车将提供纯电版车型以及插混版车型,有着DiPilot 300、云辇-C ...
Competition has also been mounting from Chinese discount platforms such as Temu and Shein as well as Amazon’s Handmade ...
A man was found dead inside a popular New York City park, according to police, sparking an investigation. Police were told ...
Manchester United have completed the signing of exciting young midfielder Sekou Kone. The Mali youth international has joined from Guidars FC in his homeland. Sekou poses with the red shirt. Kone ...
As discussed in a previous article, the early Church Fathers laid a strong foundation for the belief in baptismal regeneration. Continuing this exploration, additional Church Fathers further ...