Japanese independent watchmakers Hajime Asaoka and Jiro Katayama have created unique pieces to benefit the Noto Charity ...
Tokyo provided assistance since the mid-2010s, and local cities offered training assistance for two free years of training from craftsmen.
Tokyo provided assistance since the mid-2010s, and local cities offered training assistance for two free years of training from craftsmen.
Luxury has often turned to unusual organic materials. In Renaissance Europe artisans created wonders for princely kunstkammer ...
Archaeological work has revealed that people began to use the fluid from lacquer trees as early as 8,000 years ago. "Because of its fine physical and chemical properties, natural lacquer as a ...
Lacquer art is widely applied in the making of various items, such as ornamental boxes. [Photo provided to China Daily] Editor's note: Traditional arts and crafts are supreme examples of Chinese ...