Ask yourself what parts of your life feel comfortable but hollow. Are there aspects of your daily routine, career, or relationships that provide a false sense of security while leaving you ...
Get ready for your encounters to be eye-opening! Scorpio season gifts you wisdom through the mirror of others. Does their presence anger you? Search inward to find why that contention exists ...
When it comes to your love language, Taurus, you tend to work more through acts of service; however, that doesn’t mean you won’t need to advocate for your dreams. Instead of just continuing ...
The third week of October comes with a lot of social responsibilities as the Sun and Mercury will be triggering your seventh house of public places where you meet your partners, business allies, and ...
**** The Sun will be opposite your sign for the next several weeks, which means that you will need more rest, more sleep. Be careful about conflicts with the law. Be prepared to cooperate and ...
Who do you think you are, Taurus? That’s not something you should let anyone else define early this week. With sultry Venus deep in Scorpio’s cavern, it’s possible that you’ve given ...