She had both a positive patch test result and a positive antecubital repeated open application test result with carmine 2.5% in petrolatum. Thirty other patients had negative patch test results.
[4] This is more prevalent with PICCs inserted in the antecubital fossa than in the upper arm. Small veins at the point of insertion, as well as catheter movement when bending and straightening ...
“I think it depends on the type of eczema you have. Childhood eczema tends to be localised to the face whilst eczema from the age of 2 onwards tends to present on the antecubital fossae and behind the ...
Laparotomy on a 64-year-old dehydrated man showed metastatic carcinoma of the stomach with perforation and gastric-outlet obstruction. Surgical repair of the gastric perforation was performed.
Physical examination revealed a moderately obese, jaundiced woman covered with flat, yellow infiltrations of the eyelids, palms, soles, antecubital fossae and trunk. The liver descended 10 cm.
Eighty of nine subjects were somewhat or very satisfied with the reconstruction. Biceps contour was 4.7 cm above the antecubital fossa on the operative side versus 3.9 cm on the nonoperative side. No ...