"'Quiet luxury' has supported average selling price at the expense of volumes," Bank of America analysts wrote. "The industry ...
China's stimulus plans have lit a fire under LVMH stock, boosting CEO Bernard Arnault's net worth from $177 billion to $207 ...
"'Quiet luxury' has supported average selling price at the expense of volumes," Bank of America analysts wrote. "The industry ...
Arnault’s good fortune is largely tied to recent economic developments in China, one of LVMH’s largest markets. Significant ...
ALBAWABA - Bernard Arnault, the French businessman and the founder, chairman, and CEO of LVMH, the world's largest luxury ...
Bernard Arnault's net worth has soared by about $30 billion this week to $207 billion. The LVMH CEO leapfrogged Mark Zuckerberg to become the world's third-richest person. Its stock has surged on the ...
LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault was wealthier than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos in March, but his net worth has plummeted since then.
据彭博亿万富翁指数,周四法国奢侈品巨头LVMH集团的董事长兼首席执行官Bernard Arnault的净资产飙升170亿美元至2010亿美元,这也是他有史以来第三大的单日财富增幅,成为了这一天最赚的人,在全球富豪榜上排名第四。
While Arnault has lost a tremendous amount of wealth this year as the result of the struggling luxury market, with a net ...
内地推出一系列经济刺激措施,推动全球股市飙升,带动法国奢侈品牌LVMH创办人Bernard Arnault净财富重返2,000亿美元(约1.56万亿港元)以上,身家单日急升171亿美元(约1,333亿港元);其全球富豪榜排名也从第五位升至第四位。