Researchers recently identified James Fitzjames, a captain on the ill-fated HMS Erebus that went looking for the Northwest ...
Many cellular functions in the human body are controlled by biological droplets called liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) ...
Cheese dating back to the Bronze Age has shed light on our ancestors’ diets - and have lessons for the present day ...
Scientists have sequenced DNA from 3,600-year-old cheese, the oldest in the archaeological record. The intact cheese was ...
Squinting into the treetops won't reveal the tiny organisms up there. But these creatures leave clues, in the form of DNA, on ...
Mr Marks, from Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, is one of thousands of people with lung cancer who is likely to benefit from a new ...
Part one of a three-part USA TODAY investigation. A surprise email about DNA evidence revives a Michigan cold case.
01 素质是个好东西,但不是人人都有。 最近,江苏昆山某小区里,就发生了这么一件恶心事。 一栋楼里的业主,竟然从高空中往外扔大便。 不偏不倚地砸在了本楼101业主的窗户上和家里。 那画面,想想都觉得反胃。 试想,这要是我们好好在家待着, ...
Investigators in Philadelphia are exhuming eight bodies buried in a potter's field this week in the hope that advances in DNA ...
可是这么简单的科学问题,作为埃及政府,为何不直接采取行动研究自己的种族来源呢?要知道在西方世界的各大著名的博物馆中,存放着古埃及"法老"的真身,而法老最是保存完整最好的遗体,用于研究这项自身种族来源要比其他的"木乃伊"的真身再合适不过, ...