A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off carrying NASA's SpaceX Crew-9, Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Gorbunov, to ...
IT之家 9 月 29 日消息,据 SpaceX 官方消息,在今天成功发射 Crew-9 任务后,Falcon 9 (猎鹰 9 号)的二级火箭原计划在海洋中处置,结果离轨点火出现异常。 尽管第二级安全落在海洋中,但偏离预定海域 。后续将在更好地了解根本原因后恢复发射。
据SpaceX官方消息,在今天成功发射Crew-9任务后,Falcon 9 (猎鹰9号)的二级火箭原计划在海洋中处置,结果离轨点火出现异常。尽管第二级安全落在海洋中,但偏离预定海域。后续将在更好地了解根本原因后恢复发射。此次任务代号为Crew-9,是载人“龙”飞船第九次执行国际空间站的宇航员轮换任务。
SpaceX自2020年以来, 一直为NASA定期运送太空人前往太空站。然而波音“星际飞机”6月首度试航抵达太空站之际,推进器故障及氦气泄漏问题频频,NASA最后决定让两位参与“星际飞机”试飞任务的太空人威廉斯 (Sunita Suni ...
SpaceX's two-person Crew-9 mission is scheduled to arrive at the International Space Station today (Sept. 29), and you can ...
SpaceX launches on pause. For the second time this year, SpaceX has seen a second stage mishap. The Dragon crew remains safe ...
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket experienced an issue during the Crew-9 astronaut launch on Sept. 28, and the company will stand down ...
SpaceX is suspending launches of its Falcon 9 rocket after a problem with the deorbit burn of the upper stage on a crewed ...
ORLANDO, Fl - SpaceX has put launches on hold after the Falcon-9's second stage booster missed its landing mark. SpaceX ...
A Falcon 9 launched a NASA astronaut and Russian cosmonaut to the ISS Sept. 28 on the first crewed mission from a historic ...
The second stage of SpaceX Falcon 9 safely landed in the ocean, but outside of the targeted area, Elon Musk’s company said.
SpaceX has put a pause on Falcon 9 launches after reporting the second stage of the rocket used in Crew-9 experienced an ...