Severin Schwan, chairman of the board of directors of Roche Group, made a concluding remark at a press conference as chairman ...
of course it went horribly wrong. I then tried to go back to gaming, unfortunately I still couldn’t stand it then. That struggle of not wanting to get out of bed each morning due to lack of devotion ...
Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman of Schneider Electric, envisions Shanghai's 2035 outlook. He said: "Looking into the future, ...
迄今为止,人工智能繁荣并没有给其他老牌科技公司带来好处。其中最显著的就是英特尔(Intel)。按照彭博社的伊恩·金的说法,英特尔“令人瞠目结舌地衰落”,这与甲骨文的复兴形成鲜明对比。英特尔曾经是全球最大的芯片厂商,但随着营收持续减少,且其自己预测的前 ...