On 5 November, US voters will elect either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump as their next president. The election, in a nation that is the largest oil producer and second largest source of greenhouse gas ...
对一些美国人来说,周二晚上总统辩论的最大新闻并非贺锦丽广受好评的表现。而是泰勒·斯威夫特在辩论结束几分钟后公开表态对她的支持。 恐怕不会有比这更重大的名人背书了。但这真的能影响到选举结果吗?
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber ...
政治总是有许许多多的迂回曲折(twists and turns),一个政客可以今天还是一帆风顺(riding high),明天就堕进谷底(hit rock bottom)。美国总统祖‧拜登在六月二十七日跟前总统唐纳德‧特朗普进行过第一场总统选举辩论后 ...
After 28-year-old Lino Paredes works his 11pm to 7am “graveyard shift” at the Wynn casino in Las Vegas, he rushes home to take his four-year-old son to daycare. His wife works 9am to 5pm, so the ...
民主党人正试图向美国选民重新介绍副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris),并讲述这样的故事:她出身中产阶级单亲家庭,大学时代曾在麦当劳(McDonald’s)打过工,后来成为一名乐于助人的检察官。而共和党人讲述的却是另一番景象:她是一个与现实脱节的加州自由 ...
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris held their first and perhaps only debate on Tuesday (Sep 10) ...
Viewers cheer as they watch a debate between Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican ...