With the 2024 Shanghai Tourism Festival in full swing, the festive atmosphere is lighting up in the city. When the Shanghai Tourism Festival meets World Tourism Day, and traditional culture encounters ...
Since the 2024 Shanghai International Light Festival opened on Thursday, the main venue of the Shanghai Exhibition Center has attracted more than 60,000 visits.
Well-known French light and shadow troupe Quidams will present a light and shadow drama show that transcends borders in ...
The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...
消息称 NIGO x Nike Air Force 3 Low 全新配色「Light British Tan」将于 2024 圣诞假期发售,售价为 $160 美元,有兴趣的读者不妨留意后续报导。
近日,据雄安商服中心工作人员介绍,今年国庆节期间,雄安商服中心商业环廊项目将正式开业。同时,雄安首届X青年艺术节也将在国庆期间再次举办。届时,将有中央美术学院优秀毕业生作品展《通过验证》、互动MAPPING光影秀、好消息音乐会、RUARUA ...
During the National Day holiday in 2024, Guangzhou plans to launch over 2,000 cultural and tourism activities. These will include artistic performances, cultural exhibitions, folk ...
纵观孟子的一生,从一个没落的贵族,成长为一代大儒,可谓是逆旅人生。公元前372年,孟子出生于邹国(今山东邹城),是鲁国贵族孟孙氏的后裔。早年丧父的孟子,在母亲的悉心教导下成长,他拜孔子之孙孔伋的门人为师,学成之后,为了推行自己的政见,他开始周游列国,游说诸侯。历经二十余年,他游历了齐、宋、滕、梁等多个国家,还担任过齐宣王的客卿,最后归邹,他生命中四分之一的时间几乎都在路上。晚年,孟子传道授业解惑, ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
随着金秋十月的脚步慢慢靠近,我们也即将迎来新中国成立75周年的伟大时刻。在祖国母亲的生日到来之际,深圳交响乐团携手深圳音乐厅,将用一份特别的礼物,来表达对祖国母亲的深厚情谊。 9月30日晚七点半,“乐颂中华——庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年交响音乐会 ...
不到长城非好汉, 屈指行程二万。 六盘山上高峰, 红旗漫卷西风。 Our gaze follows the south-flying wild geese till they dwindle out of sight. We are no ...
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