I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want to end the insanity.” If monarchism on the talk-show right is a panic-driven search for a strongman who can finally roll back ...
Absolutism is a troublesome word. Arthur O. Lovejoy warned that isms are ‘trouble-breeding and usually thought-obscuring terms, which one sometimes wishes to see expunged from the vocabulary of the ...
Contributors aim to unravel the constructs of ‘absolutism’ and ‘monarchism’, examining how the power and authority of monarchs was defined through contemporary politics and philosophy. Questions are ...
Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II had a barricade of matting erected around his estate at Doorn. Guards surrounding the house were increased, as was the small force of Secret Service men and detectives. These ...
Ghali is best remembered for his only novel ‘Beer in the Snooker Club’, as well as his tragic diaries recounting his exile.
From the execution of Louis XVI to the defeat of Napoleon III, the falls of the monarchy in France changed the face of the ...
Like McGuire, Lucchese reports that some students are sympathetic to monarchism, “especially in the history department.” Pointedly, he says many students are dissatisfied with the modern world.
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Think about what he said there. Even just at the end, when he said, I think we should make Trump king. And the woman laughs and she says, isn't that kind of communistic?
Tolkien's own views were somewhere between monarchism and anarchism—he had libertarian tendencies in terms of his distaste ...
Ireland had a long history of anti-monarchism. Its origins were closely linked to the traditional anti-Catholicism of the British monarchy, and it was a feature of folk music about peasant ...
KEVIN ROBERTS (HERITAGE FOUNDATION PRESIDENT): In spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win. We're in the process of taking this country back. No one in the audience should be ...
From the rubble emerged distinct social, political, economic, and religious responses to modernization, ranging from the establishment of a secular, ultra-nationalist state in Turkey, Arab nationalism ...