BENGALURU: After Delhi, Kerala seems to have become the war room of the grand old party to chalk out strategies to safeguard ...
BENGALURU: “Serious allegations are levelled against Siddaramaiah, who is holding a high position in the democratic set-up of ...
BENGALURU: While all legislators have come out in support of Siddaramaiah continuing as chief minister despite the high court ...
(吉隆坡19日讯)大马民主联合阵线(MUDA)代主席阿米拉强调,该党明确表明不会参与柔州马哥打州席补选。她今日发文告说,自从其担任MUDA主席以来,她只想通过振兴运动建设政党。“我希望MUDA党员们能够进入干部培训制度(sistem ...
一对新人展示手上的戒指,脸上藏不住甜蜜。(取自MUDA脸书)(新山21日讯)大马民主联合阵线(MUDA)代主席阿米拉艾莎幸福出嫁了,新郎正是她的党同志陆曼龙。阿米拉艾莎和陆曼龙从党同志走向婚姻殿堂。(取自阿米拉艾莎脸书)大马民主联合阵线的官方脸书,是 ...
The special court for cases involving elected representatives, Bengaluru, on Wednesday, ordered an investigation by Karnataka ...
The Congress-led Karnataka government has rescinded general consent for CBI investigations against central government staff, ...
阿兹敏还说,祖国斗士党已准备好为国盟助选。(档案照:透视大马) 国民联盟宣传主任阿兹敏阿里希望统民党(Muda)能在柔佛马哥打州议席补选中支持国盟。 阿兹敏昨晚在国盟的政治座谈会上说:“统民党来了,他们已同意帮助我们竞选。” ...
(居銮19日讯)国盟预计未来两天内公布,马哥打补选竞选宣言。国盟马哥打州席补选竞选主任,也是国盟宣传主任拿督斯里阿兹敏阿里表示,竞选宣言目前按在最后讨论阶段,已敲定给予马哥打逾6万名选民的宣言承诺。他指出,早前由国盟领袖和候选人莫哈末海占发表的言论, ...
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah reiterated on Thursday he will not resign as he again denied any wrongdoing in the ...
Bengaluru: Amid the MUDA land allotment row, the Karnataka government on Thursday withdrew general consent given to CBI to ...