In the waning days of fall, a weed that happens to be a wild herb is still growing with enough vigor to defy the season.
The Legend of Korea-through food! The post Mugwort and Garlic: The Foods That Helped Create Korea’s Legendary Kingdom first ...
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) has been used for centuries to help with pregnancy and menstruation-related issues. It is believed to have various health benefits, including pain relief, supporting liver ...
Trickster Medicine Today is the exact 28th anniversary of the Visionary Activist Show, September 5th, 1996 First guest – James Hillman, splendiferous humming with current pertinence show, that we ...
Department of Urology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China ...
Here are the most cutting-edge products of the year.
01遇见/摘要每逢端午节,挂艾蒿驱邪避疫的习俗传承至今,体现了古人的智慧。然而,艾蒿中驱虫成分的具体成分一直是个谜,市场上也鲜见以艾蒿为原料的驱虫产品。近日,武汉大学药学院联合武汉合生科技公司的科研团队在《Journal of the ...
"The crop is sensitive to weather conditions," Bob Leiby, an agronomist with the Pennsylvania Co-Operative Potato Growers, ...
These are the stories of South Korea’s 'mermaids', who for centuries have braved the harsh conditions to harvest shellfish.