Conversely, the inherent membrane-permeabilizing tendencies of many antimicrobial peptides probably contribute to their cytotoxicity and restrict their elaboration within phagocyte compartments or ...
Eosinophils and basophils attack organisms that are too big to be eaten by a single phagocyte, like worms. The phagocytes are cells that attack and destroy foreign cells by engulfing them. There are ...
Efferocytosis is essential for normal development and tissue homeostasis, but also pathogen defense and anti-tumor immunity. A single phagocyte typically ingests an entire apoptotic corpse, ...
We recently found that in healthy humans, peripheral blood levels of n-3 docosapentaenoic acid-derived resolvins (RvDn-3 DPA) are under diurnal regulation and dysregulation in the expression of these ...